Entry #3: Mango Sours

Rattle... rattle... the cold tin encompasses my entire hand. Pop! The top comes undone and I peel back the parchment paper covering the mango flavored morsels. I toss 3 in my mouth and I'm instantly transported back to a simpler time.

It is 10:30 P.M. back in my apartment complex I lived in as a child.  My father walks through the door, tired but with a smile on his face.  It is Friday, the weekend is here and everyone can stay up late.  I lunge my 3 year old body at his bag, knowing he brings home goodies every Friday night. I hear a rattle come from the lunch bag. I excitedly pry it from his shoulder and take it back to my little area on the couch. I zip open the bag, and blindly reach in fishing out the first thing I feel.  My chubby little hands pick away at the wrapping around a circular tin.  The word mango clicks in my head and I giddily open the package and pick out an oddly shaped piece, it reminds me of a colorful pebble.  It is covered in dust and I pop one in my mouth.

My mouth begins to water immediately and I purse my lips. The dust is tart for a few seconds, then a delicious rush of mango sweetness fills my mouth.  I immediately throw 2 more in my mouth.  The same effect.  A sour strike and a sweet flowing river down my throat.

As it begins to fade away like a rock eroding away in the ocean, I crunch down.  Getting it broken down into a delicious sticky gravel. My whole family and I indulged through the entire tin in one night, bringing us all together...

After the 3 I originally put in my mouth dissolve away, the memories fade as well. The sour and sweet mango flavor makes me sad, missing that time in my life.  Where nothing could go wrong and everyone was still together. All this reminiscing in just a small little tin. The childhood memories held inside, back to a happier time.


  1. Man the detail and use of figurative language made me forget this post is about a mint, good job! Well written and planned out!

  2. I loved these mints when I was a kid! I remember all the time in class, if someone had a pack the whole class needed one! I could never convince my parents to buy them for me. You're so lucky to have such a nice experience sharing them with your family.

  3. Good sensory details in this post.


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